So my next trip is to(drum roll pleasee) LA.... yey!!!! Many of you ask me what do I wear when I travel, well... this is it! This is exactly what I'm wearing for my business trip to LA.
1- This is a cute ruffled tank. The KEY when you travel is comfort, so always try to look fabulous and be comfortable at the same time. (yes, it IS possible). Wanna buy similar tanks? Then click here
2-Black jeggins. Why? they are so COMFORTABLE. You know you're probably gonna be handling a lot of luggage and getting-things-to-fit-where-they-tell-you-it's-not-gonna-fit-but-you-keep-on-trying-because you-don't-want-to-check-the-bag- kinda' things, you know what I mean?(pfft don't deny it) I buy my jeggins on H&M.
3-The "Oh, so chic" blazer. Why? Well first of all I use it because it's a business trip and I want to look sorta' professional,even though I just wrote sorta' on my blog...(not professional) Anyways, and we want to incorporate this season's trend, BRIGHT COLORS. So I mixed them both... nice huh?Blazer
4-So we really can't forget the accessories, so I'm mixing the look with chunky gold bangles and gold earrings.
5-Shoes- the same thing, comfort and style. KEY WORD- COMFORT (remember this)
6-Sunwear- obviously you cannot arrive in LA without a pair of HUGE sunglasses, duh. So, I'll wear my Chanels'. *Tip: They are specially handy if you didn't wear any makeup, which is still NOT acceptable, but hey shiz happens. ( I learned that the hard way)
7-Chapstick- you can't go anywhere without chapstick these days, you never know who's gonna kiss you all of a sudden (true story) and when they kiss you, they touch does yucky dry lips, no no no.
8-S-A-N-I-T-I-Z-E-R- yes we have no more pig flu going around but you still have to be very careful, so safety first, ALWAYS. So always wash your hands and if you have no water or soap close to you, you have your sanitizers, ok?
9-Carry-on bag- so I'm making their lives a little easier buying a see-through bag, cute right? Clear Bag
10-And, finally my baby (my IPAD) yeah yeah I don't care about what you say, it is NOT like an iphone...umm...b/c it's bigger! lol Anyways I can show my work on the Ipad, answer emails, watch movies when I'm bored, finish writing my book(kinda hard but still managable) and have my virtual catalog to show to my clients. So... it's just pure perfection :) IPAD
Oh, wait I can't forget my Daisy perfume, it's new, you got to try it, it smells delicious and men LOVE it.