Thursday, November 4, 2010


Question from YOU:
"Hey Leo, I've heard you have a lot of experience styling your eyebrows, is there anything in particular you do that I should know to keep them combed and perfect?"
                                                                    -Hairy Little Monster

Answer from ME:

Hey, Hairy Little Monster?... lol. Sorry I just find your name funny. So, you have problems with your eyebrows, honey we have ALL been there. We have had them shaved,removed,hairy,dyed...Oy. I'll will tell you what I do to get THE perfect eyebrows:

1-First I comb them, to get them exactly where I want them.

2-I use a small scissor.. yeah the ones you use for your nose hair will do just fine. (Remember to clean it first) I comb them and I cut the excess hair with the scissors.( PLEASE BE CAREFUL WI TH THE SCISSORS, WE NEED BOTH OF OUR EYES TO GET OUR PERFECT EYEBROWS)

3-I  use the mini razors for the eyebrows to eliminate all the hair that is above my eyebrows.

4- With a good tweezer I remove all the hair of the bottom part of my eyebrows.

5- The are can sometimes get a little sensitive, so what I do is I apply a small amount of Vaseline to the area. (VASELINE IS GOOD FOR EVEYTHING...thought you should know... E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G)
6- The last step is if your going to go out the same night you do your eyebrows comb them and apply a little bit os spray on your finger and apply it to the brow, so the eyebrows will stick the way you want them too or you can do it the expensive way and buy a product for it. Below I will show you all my "GLAM TOOLS"
FOR SOME ANSWERS TO YOUR BEAUTY-FASHION-LOVE QUESTIONS FEEL FREE TO EMAIL ME AT  as soon as I get the message I will answer you. You can choose to make it public with a CRAZY NAME or private and share it only with me. Or to simplify your life just CLICK HERE



 4th step Use a real good tweezer, like Tweezerman an eliminate the                    hair from the bottom of your eyebrows.